The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68384   Message #2871156
Posted By: Riginslinger
24-Mar-10 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Finally - talk radio balance
Subject: RE: BS: Finally - talk radio balance
The thing that made right-wing talk work was the car phone, and then later the cell phone. People were working, driving around in cars and trucks, and these were the folks who never had a political voice before. Reagan refusing to re-enact "The Fairness Doctrine" allowed disc-jockies and others to mouth off without having to express an opposing point of view.
          The call-in format made it work.

          If you have people sitting at home--drawing welfare, or whatever else--they won't be listening to the radio; they'll be watching television. I think that's why liberal radio doesn't work. There's simply no audience.