The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127616   Message #2871180
Posted By: akenaton
24-Mar-10 - 09:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should you alienate Fascists?
Subject: RE: BS: Should you alienate Fascists?
Dave....we cant go back 80 yrs, so much has happened since then, times were totally different, especially methods of broadcasting information...There will never be a "Forth Reich", cant you see what is happening to you and the others here who become agitated by the BNP.
You are allowing yourselves to be diverted from the real problems in our society....What happened in the run up to the Iraq War should have been the end of the Labour Party, now the crimes of a democratically elected government are being forgotten along with the way we were lied to and manipulated.

To hate others because of their colour or race, people must be mad and if the BNP leadership are raving madmen, then you have the problem of a handful of deranged individuals supported by a few thousand voters who have become disenchanted by the lies and corruption of our mainstream politicians.

Hardly world shattering front page news!

If you lot were real radicals, you would be screaming at Labour for the deceit and arrogance, not protecting them from the wild men of the BNP.

There is no chance of the BNP becoming anything more than a handy tool of protest, the real danger is that the bastards who made us pariahs in the eyes of the civilised world are still in power and with the help of people like you and others on this thread will be returned to power, cleaned, refreshed and ready to kill again in our name.