The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9819   Message #2871268
Posted By: MystMoonstruck
24-Mar-10 - 11:24 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Captain Buffalo (from 'Sergeant Rutledge'
Someone sent me the lyrics long after I asked about them at Yahoo!Answers!

Have you heard about a soldier in the U.S. Cavalry
Who is built like Lookout Mountain taller than a redwood tree?
With his iron fist he'll drop an ox with just one mighty blow
John Henry was a weakling next to Captain Buffalo.

He'll march all night and he'll march all day
And he'll wear out a twenty mule team along the way.
With a hoot and holler and a ring-a-dang-do.
Hup-two-three-fo' – Captain Buffalo! Captain Buffalo!

(Hold that drum, hold that drum. Let the mule just blow.)

Said the Private to the Sergeant 'Tell me sergeant if you can
Did you ever see a mountain Come a-walking like a man?'
Said the sergeant to the private, 'You're a rookie ain't you though
Or else you'd be a-recognizing Captain Buffalo.'
You can listen to the song here:
If the YouTube link doesn't work, type in this:
Buffalo Soldiers - Sergeant Rutledge (USA 1960) - Soundtrack Original Record