The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128265   Message #2871333
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
25-Mar-10 - 04:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: 1970s Ireland
Subject: RE: BS: 1970s Ireland
But Peter, the demands of the Omagh murderers were exactly the same as the demands of the PIRA terrorists who planted their devices on Bloody Friday, an attack you approve of.

You compare PIRA's campaign with other liberation movements, but their grievances were a lot smaller.
By early 1970s they had no grievances at all!
B Specials gone, Stormont gone, full democratic representation for all and the SDLP confident of maintaining the momentum of progress, but for the campaign of terror by PIRA.

All PIRA were demanding was that the people of the North be handed over, against their will, to the poor and backward country to the South.
The border was wide open. Anyone could go South but the traffic was all the other way.
Only terrorists on the run went South, and even their families stayed in the North.

Most liberation movements fought for freedom. Yours fought for the removal of basic freedoms like the right to plan how many children to have.
A bit like the Taleban.