The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127616   Message #2871342
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
25-Mar-10 - 04:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should you alienate Fascists?
Subject: RE: BS: Should you alienate Fascists?
History repeats itself, ake. Over and over. In the words of the song it's all heppened again. And again and again and again and again... So just what is it that cannot happen now that happened 80 years ago ake? Beating beaten or killed for voting the wrong way? Move to Zimbabwe and tell us that it can't happen. Removal of all intelectuals? Ask a Cambodian about that. Ethnic cleansing? Ever heard of Srebrenica? Bosnia if you can't remember where it is...

I quite agree with you about the corruption and shinanigans going on in politics today, but don't expect me to agree that the thugs you are supporting are a valid alternative. They are not. They have all the bad habits of mainstream politicians and many more worse ones besides. I wouldn't give a single politician the time of day but until we have a valid alternative, which I notice you are not providing, we must ensure that things get no worse.

And I notice you have not addressed the issue of those 'disenchanted voters' hijacking our identities, illegaly, for their own political ends, regardless of the damage it can do. These are the type of people you are supporting? Surely not!