The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14088 Message #2871516
Posted By: Jack Campin
25-Mar-10 - 10:26 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Peat Bog Soldiers
Subject: RE: Origins: Peat Bog Soldiers
Does anyone happen to know the name or the lyrics of the song about the Jewish collective in the Crimea?
"Hey Zhankoye".
Pretty creepy song, given that Zhankoye is a Turkish name - the Jewish collective must have been allocated land vacated by Stalin's deportations of the Crimean Tatars. It predates the main wave of deportation, but Zhankoye was the main crossroads for road and rail links into the Crimea from the north, so presumably Stalin got it dealt with first and had his Jewish collective planted as a handy force of collaborators in the coming genocide. It was a popular song with the US folk revival in the 50s and 60s, like other items of now-unsingable Zionist propaganda. I would be curious to know who was behind this. ("Peatbog Soldiers" is not one of them, of course - the prisoners it talks about were Communists, not Jews).