The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128265   Message #2871539
Posted By: GUEST,Allan Connochie
25-Mar-10 - 10:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: 1970s Ireland
Subject: RE: BS: 1970s Ireland
Peter you say Omagh was exceptional, and that it wasn't the PIRA - but the point I was making was that you can't just count the casualties of a bombing by those killed as there is invariably far larger numbers injured, and the PIRA carried out many of these attacks. For instance no-one died in Manchester so are you saying that the 212 people injured weren't victims? There were 11 killed at Enniskillen but weren't the 63 injured also victims? Only two 'children' killed at Warrington but another 54 people injured. 21 dead at Birmingham but 182 injured. The list goes on. Plus of course the PIRA didn't just kill by bombing. According to the Cain site Republican Terrorists were responsible for 2058 deaths in total - but only 55 of these were Loyalist Terrorists whilst 703 were innocent civilians. Likewise the Loyalist Terrorsits were responsible for 1018 deaths but only 41 of these were Republican Terrorists and they managed to kill 843 civilians. It almost looks like these two factions who were supposedly at war were actually deliberately trying to avoid confronting each other whilst targeting civilians mainly in Northern Ireland but in the PIRA'a case also in England. I say England because as far as I know Scotland and Wales never really suffered attacks.