The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128319 Message #2871616
Posted By: Little Hawk
25-Mar-10 - 12:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada
Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada
She came to Ottawa (our capital) to give a speech at a University there. About 2,000 or more students who despise Ann Coulter and all she stands for gathered and cause a near riot outside the doors of the lecture hall (while about 100 others inside the hall chanted "We want Ann!"). The mob outside the hall was so hostile that Coulter's people decided she might be in physical danger if she appeared, and they cancelled the speech.
At first I was amused when I read this story. Then I got to thinking about it and decided that it's not a good precedent for ANY visiting speaker to be treated in that fashion...because you either have free speech...or you don't.
Better to let Ann Coulter speak her piece...which 98% of her audience would not have agreed with anyway...because that would be a far better way of establishing what an idiot she is than not letting her speak at all.
I think she was rather pleased and smug about the whole thing, judging by the article I saw. She figures she's a martyred hero now, and is happy to be seen as having been deprived of the right to speak because, "I'm dangerous..." (in her words). She figures that it proves how morally superior she is to the people who wouldn't let her speak, you see...