The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128242   Message #2871834
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
25-Mar-10 - 04:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Seeger Smothers Party- Left=right?
Subject: RE: BS: Seeger Smothers Party- Left=right?
"Conrad seems to be a troll, although of the folk persuasion. I'm betting he's a} young and b} not from this country. In any event, he's woefully ignorant of the history of this country during the 60s and that PBS special didn't help"

I don't think that is the case at all. I cannot recall meeting Conrad, but if memory serves me correct, I did a phone interview with him on my radio program. We discussed the tradition of "wassail" and he was very eloquent and fun to talk with.

While I seriously question some of the statements he has made in this thread, and I do not agree with his politics (as I am perceiving from his notes), I will say that he knows history, even though his interpretation may be different from ours.

He certainly is pulling our strings with this thread, but if you read between the lines, this whole discusssion does give us cause to think - whether that makes us uncomfortable or not. Perhaps that is the true purpose of his actions?

I would certainly never expect any artist to give anything other than their opinion. I host a radio program, and I will be the first to tell you that I am not aiming to be fair and balanced. I give a stage to the artists I choose, and while I will try to play both sides of an issue - if it makes artistic sense to do so - I am not out to do anything other than promote the artist that make up the folk community.

There are several factions to that folk community, and the fact that there is a liberal lean to the point is just another aspect to that community.

If I want a debate, I will go to a debate. If I want to attend a Pete Seeger concert, I will attend. At either event, I know what I am getting.