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Thread #128319 Message #2872540
Posted By: pdq
26-Mar-10 - 12:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada
Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada
This is a partial transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," Oct. 4, 2004, that has been edited for clarity.
Watch "Hannity & Colmes" weeknights at 9 p.m. ET!
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HANNITY: You mean, they were fighting over the chapter in your book about Jesus being liberal?
COLMES: No, that's not — no, but they were having a fight about whether Jesus would vote Democrat or Republican. We all know he'd be voting for Kerry.
We continue now with the author of "How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must)," and, Ann Coulter, unfortunately for her, must tonight.
Ann Coulter. All right. "I'm often asked if I think we should invade their countries, kill their leaders, convert them to Christianity." Who do you want to kill besides — you want to kill Saddam Hussein?
So what other leaders do you want to kill?
COULTER: Leaders of Muslim fanatics. That would include Muslim clerics. It would include al-Sadr.
COLMES: They all should be killed?
COULTER: We already have wrapped up a lot of the top leaders.
COLMES: Would you like the convert them all to Christianity?
COULTER: Osama bin Laden is D-E-D dead. No one can convince me otherwise.
COLMES: Would you like to convert these people all to Christianity?
COULTER: The ones that we killed, yes.
COLMES: So no one should be Muslim. They should all be Christian?
COULTER: That would be a good start, yes.
COLMES: So, in other words, you wouldn't respect their religious beliefs? You would just want them all to be Christian.
COULTER: The point is, I mean, I suppose if I were a Muslim, I might say, "Oh, they are not practicing true Islam." What we must convert them to is true Islam, but the point is, a conversion must take place.
They think they are practicing religion when they fly planes into our skyscrapers and kill thousands of people, and to act like this isn't a problem of religion — whether it is true Islam or not — is just sticking your head in the sand.
COLMES: But you're talking about a group of extremists who misuse Islam and aren't practicing true Islam. But would you like to convert all of these countries to Christianity. Should they all become Christian nations?
COULTER: Yes, that would be terrific.
COLMES: Really?
COLMES: So we should just — they should all be Christians. You don't respect the fact that there are this many Muslims in the world, and the world would be a lot better if they were all Christians instead of Muslims?
COULTER: To be honest, I didn't really care, until they started flying planes into our buildings and blowing up small children. Then I took note.
COLMES: I see. Now they should all be Christians? OK. No further questions.
COULTER: And this is, by the way, well, OK — this is, by the way, what America has done after World War II, after the Korean War. MacArthur put out a call for Christian missionaries to come, and missionaries poured into Japan. They poured into Korea. It didn't work as well, the conversion in Japan, but it certainly did in Korea. And I know that we haven't had any trouble from them for a while.
COLMES: Korea?
COLMES: From South Korea.
HANNITY: All right. Let me move on for a second.
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