The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128165   Message #2872634
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
26-Mar-10 - 02:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dennis Kucinich Sells Out?
Subject: RE: BS: Dennis Kucinich Sells Out?
"In order for tort reform to be effective, it would have to be national and enforced."

No, It would not have to be national unless you could venue shop out side of the state where the alleged tort took place. That is not the case. If the medical procedures took place in North Carolina you have to sue in North Carolina in accordance with North Carolina law.

Also it does not have to be "enforced" all tort reforms are are legislative guidelines sent to the judges and caps on awards. These guidelines have been followed and awards have been capped, leading to no measurable savings in health care costs.

I also am for common sense limits on medical and in fact all law suits. But I am confident that such measures are NOT a significant way to save money in the health care system. Talk of such things by the Republicans is just distraction and obstructionism. Please note that I am giving the Republicans credit for having access to a competent economist or two.

I heard yesterday that GAO and other sources estimate that comprehensive tort reform would at best add up to a 1% to 2% savings over all. Not much when health care costs are rising 5-8% per year.