The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128319 Message #2873408
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
27-Mar-10 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada
Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada
a. Freedom of speech is not absolute here in the US. It is abridged here. I have found from living here that, in practice, Canada has more protection for free speech than the US. In the US, on certain hot button topics, the mob is much more likely to shout down minorities where in Canada the people tend to defend minorities and shout at those in power.
b. You have the right to be a grown up if you want to. You also have the right not to call people thugs when you don't know them.
What you don't have, if you believe in the principles of the US, is the right to tell people with opinions different from yours that they should go elsewhere. They has as much right to those opinions and to express them as you do. This applies to both the Mudcat and to the USA.
I knew Rick personally, that is to say, I broke bread with him in person, shook his and and had personal conversations with him. Thank you for reminding me of some good memories but I don't think it is very adult of you to invoke his memory in this context. Of course doing so would be protected free speech even if it is in very poor taste.