The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128319   Message #2873414
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
27-Mar-10 - 02:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada
Subject: RE: BS: Ann Coulter in Canada
>>Jack the Sailor: You obviously regret moving to the US. Why do you stay here?

DougR. Read what I said, I said I was disappointed in a quarter of the country. That leave 3/4's that are potentially real Americans, as I would expect them to be. You may also be aware that I married a US citizen who bravely practices free speech, sometimes right here on this forum.

>>In your post of March 27, you state that both countries have limited speech. When did freedom of speech get cancelled in the US?

DougR Freedom of speech in the USA is limited in a number of ways. I am disappointed that you do not know that. Perhaps some training in the civics of the country you grew up in would change some of your less logical points of view. Why don't you try a citizenship test? Do you think you could pass it?

>>Your earlier post in which you state your "only puzzlement is why she was allowed to speak at all" (Coulter)...she obviously was allowed to speak because some Canadians wanted to hear what she had to say.

Read everything I say please, and do not cherry pick. I am puzzled that she was invited to speak at the University of Ottawa. I used to live in Ottawa, I would not expect the students there to be an appropriate audience. I am still surprised. But the picture is becoming clearer. It seems that the Canadian Federal politicians who worked to bring her there wanted some distance between themselves and the opinions she puts forth.