The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127954   Message #2873512
Posted By: Suegorgeous
27-Mar-10 - 05:42 PM
Thread Name: Anyone for trad singing in Bristol UK?
Subject: RE: Anyone for trad singing in Bristol UK?
YB - please could you pm me your email address? as I'm collecting them in order to contact people with details of anything we set up.

Tradsinger - I don't know yet how different they'd be, because (i) I don't yet know exactly what any existing group does or doesn't do, and (ii) what our group will become will depend to a large extent on what the people who come along at the start state that they want from such a group. Something I'm personally looking for, and hoping could be included as ONE of the group's activities, is having learning/performance improvement/workshop sessions, maybe in masterclass format with feedback from peers and/or a tutor. This element is not usually part of the average singers' session, at least not one that I've been to. Other people may have other priorities, we'll have to see.
