The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128314   Message #2873580
Posted By: Bobert
27-Mar-10 - 07:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Republican response to Health Reform
Subject: RE: BS: Republican response to Health Reform
The real gorilla in the room isn't Ron Paul as much as it is Rupert Murdock's Tea Party... Yes, Rupert Murdock!!! The Tea Party would not be without the massive organizing and PR from FOX un-news...

The Republican Party is now very much under the Ruperts Puppet's control and, frankly, scared to death of these people... Did ya see the look on McCain's face on the news last night when the Queen Rupert Puppet, Ms. Sarah, mentioned the Tea Party??? I mean, you could tell he was trying very hard not to show his emotions here but, hey, it has become very hard to be an elected Republican leader... Well, leader, doesn't even matter any more 'cause the real leadership of the Republican Party is a commitee of Rupert's boys (and girl) and Rush Limbaugh... I reckon if Rupert could get Rush under contract then he'd have the entire Republican Party in his pocket...

So when we look at the Tea Party folks and the Repubs in Congress lets keep in mind just who is pulling the strings...
