The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122219   Message #2874004
Posted By: Sawzaw
28-Mar-10 - 01:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nationalized Healthcare, good? bad?
Subject: RE: BS: Nationalized Healthcare, good? bad?
Hate projected on others:
"soemthing that the Repubs have hated for 7 decades"
"You know that the Repubs have hated the New Deal"
"I live in the heart of Redneck Nation... Thay hate the government"
"folks who still ahte Socail Security"

"no matter what the circumstance they will not be treated in any health care system... Period!!! I don't care if they get shot, they get in an accident, they get cancer, etc., etc..." [Read the Hippocratic oath that Doctors have to take Bobert.]

"any Neaderthal who wants to opt out"
"some dumbass redneck"
"so the hospital treats the moron," [ In 2003, both Democrats and Republicans worked together to pass the Medicare Modernization Act, which dedicated $250 million per year to help hospitals recoup the costs they incur for giving emergency care to patients who cannot pay their bills. This provision, called Section 1011, has helped alleviate the financial hardship for a number of participating hospitals and likely prevented many emergency rooms throughout the country from shutting down.

Unfortunately, Section 1011 expired last year and Congress has yet to extend it.

Currently, this extension appears to be mired in the legislative clutter - neither the President's nor Congressional Republicans' healthcare proposals contained any reimbursement provisions consistent with Section 1011. I urge the administration and my colleagues to act quickly to address the issue of reimbursing hospitals for mandated emergency care.

If a healthcare reform plan is passed, ERs will still be needed to administer emergency care, and serve as a safety net for both insured and uninsured patients. .]

I thought Bobert was one of those kindly, humanitarian, let's take care of everybody progressives as opposed to a hateful, fear mongering, stingy, selfish, R********n.