The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128313   Message #2874137
Posted By: Little Hawk
28-Mar-10 - 05:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's Hypnotic Speech Techniques
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's Hypnotic Speech Techniques

Anyway, there are some genuinely interesting issues that people could discuss on this thread, such as the nature of hypnotism and how most people respond to it, for one.

The manipulative nature of ALL poltical campaigns, for another, and how people respond to that.

The common use of hyperbole and exaggerated rhetoric by most politicians, for another.

The common use of misleading poll results (which are usually created through carefully worded questions), for another.

Whether or not polls should determine national policy in any case, for another.

What a politician's duty really is? To lead? Or to follow? (by simply doing what the majority of people apparently want him to do at any particular moment)

How much people's partisan loyalties affect their ability to be objective in assessing any political situation...

All these are worthier subjects than discussing how much of a wingnut ichMael is or how deluded the various "liberals" here are, wouldn't you say? ;-)