The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128313   Message #2874246
Posted By: Don Firth
28-Mar-10 - 07:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's Hypnotic Speech Techniques
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's Hypnotic Speech Techniques
I once had a totally fruitless discussion with a fellow who stated something completely ridiculous. When I questioned what he was saying, he countered by saying that I was the victim of a "meme."

A meme is a collection of social attitudes, political beliefs, or behaviors that are said (by the advocates of the idea of memes) to spread through a culture like a virus and infect people's minds. This idea doesn't have all that much credence with philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, et al, but it made a lot of money for Richard Dawkins (whose latest target is religion—which I believe he considers to be nothing but a meme), who put forth the idea of memes in the first place.

The concept is very useful in argument and debate, because it allows the advocate of memes to "negate" any logical objection or refutation of his argument by saying, "you believe the way you do because of the meme you have accepted!"

Any further objection from you, or to the idea of memes, is met with a smug smile and a remark like, "See? That just shows how strongly the meme has a hold on you."

Thereby, logic is set dispensed with.

Don't buy it!

Our friend ichMael is merely using a variation on this idea.

He'll never yield to logical debate. Best to just ignore him.

Don Firth

P. S. Now, note how he answers this (if at all). One can predict it quite easily.