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Thread #128313   Message #2874270
Posted By: ichMael
28-Mar-10 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's Hypnotic Speech Techniques
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's Hypnotic Speech Techniques
Hey, I don't mind the antagonism, folks. Since I signed up here I've been lambasted quite a bit. And that's led to what I think of as my 3 "mudcat pages."

WTC Towers did NOT fall because of fire

A Tale of Two Conspiracies

Obama's Hypnotic Speech Techniques

You see, the internet has taken the place of the printing press. What the Sons of Liberty and patriots did with handbills and pamphlets in the 1760's and early 1770's, we can now do with a computer, a few basic webpage design skills, and the internet.

So, as David Manning would say, "go ahead onnn with your baaad selves." I don't mind. The name-calling just stirs me to action. You may not agree with the action, but that's not really my concern.

Did any of you read about how Obama and Rahm Emanuel are destroying the Congressional Black Caucus? Don't you think that's odd? If Republicans took in after Rangel and Conyers you'd be screaming "racist." I mean, it's obvious to me that you're being manipulated, somehow, and the hypnotic possibility is very real. Too much that Obama does when he's speaking fits in with the Ericksonian methods. He's busted. Now it's on to something else.

I need to spend some time trying to get my state rep and senator to NULLIFY the Aetna insurance takeover of the federal govt (at least nullify the takeover in my state), and then I could either do a page about the Congressional Black Caucus and Obama, or I could do a page about Obama being set up for assassination. Remember when his wife wore that black dress with the red hourglass shape on the front?

That was the night Obama won the election, and she was dressed in a way that suggested a black widow spider. "Widow" was implanted in the minds of those watching. And all through the runup to the election Obama did the anchoring hand gestures when he was talking about JFK and Lincoln (two assassinated presidents). He would talk about them in a speech, and then later in the speech he would make the hand gestures and point them at himself, thus using a signal to transfer all the warm and fuzzy feelings he'd just stirred up about Kennedy and Lincoln to himself.

Anyway, he did as the script required, and in his mind the end result was to get elected. But not in the minds of the speechwriters. By seeing him connect himself to Kennedy and Lincoln over and over and over, we've been trained to classify him with assassinated presidents. And then there are the millions of photos connecting him with the two men. So, we're being prepped for his killing, Michelle as the widow and so on. Or so it seems. I may look into that. Or the Black Caucus thing. Not sure which. Maybe I should ask which idea you hate more...good indicator that I'm on the right track.