The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128314   Message #2874291
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
28-Mar-10 - 08:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Republican response to Health Reform
Subject: RE: BS: Republican response to Health Reform
>>What the hell, Sawzaw, as long as you've got yours, screw the rest. Isn't that right mate?<<

If it were just self interest it would be easier to accept. But it is very very unlikely that Sawzaw would be better off with the old status Quo. Most people wouldn't be.

Who is guaranteed of a job with Health Benefits until like DougR they can suck off the government teat which they ironically despise?

Above and beyond that,
The US in not competitive with other countries for skilled labor.

Because of the lack of a Health Care system, it is cheaper to build cars in most every other industrialized country. It is certainly cheaper to have older experienced workers.

Sawzaw is obviously not aware of the spiraling costs.

The 53% of the electorate that voted for Obama is saving people like Sawzaw from their own ignorance.