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Thread #128314   Message #2874963
Posted By: CarolC
29-Mar-10 - 04:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Republican response to Health Reform
Subject: RE: BS: Republican response to Health Reform
Because typical of your double standard, you say nothing while the Dems diddled around with their own infighting except to blame it on Republicans.

This is a lie, Sawzaw. I've said plenty. But since the majority of Democrats worked hard to get the bill passed, and ALL of the Republicans worked hard to prevent it from being passed, the Republicans clearly bear most of the blame for the deaths of the people who died while it was being hashed out. This is what I have consistently said, and it happens to be the truth. If even just a small handful of Republicans had been willing to vote for the bill, it would have passed a long, long time ago, and many lives would have been saved. ALL of the Republicans are responsible for those deaths, and a very small number of Democrats are responsible for those deaths.