The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127728   Message #2874985
Posted By: GUEST,Tinker in Chicago
29-Mar-10 - 04:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: State Sovereignty Resolutions
Subject: RE: BS: State Sovereignty Resolutions
You have a point, ichMael. But generations of Americans have been taught otherwise, namely that the federal government has the right to do whatever it sees fit. It's a case of playing by the same rulebook (the Constitution) but selectively ignoring some rules (the Tenth Amendment). Sorta like the American League strike zone.

Funny how people criticize your idea with namecalling ("tenthers") and hostility ("sour grapes", "Republicans don't believe in democracy") but so many do not wish to debate you point by point. Stranger still, they quote the beginning of the Constitution ("to form a more perfect union") and excoriate you for quoting the end of the same document!

The idea in 1776 was to form a federation, that is, a group of independent entities that cede some of their powers to an overarching umbrella organization for the common good, while still remaining independent. Nothing more. But the feds just kept grabbing more power and more power, and now there's no chance they will be willing give any of it back voluntarily.

So which is it, then? Shall we enforce the whole Constitution (including the Tenth Amendment)or just the parts that we agree with (like the First and Second Amendments)?

And BTW, wanting to enforce the Constitution is the dead opposite of wanting to secede.