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Thread #128313   Message #2875032
Posted By: Bill D
29-Mar-10 - 05:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's Hypnotic Speech Techniques
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's Hypnotic Speech Techniques
"Bill D's contribution: "There are none so deaf as those who will not hear." I suppose that's the reason you will not tune in to Fox News Network, right?


Well, Doug...I have been out of town for 3 days, and was just casually reading this thread to catch up....but then I saw your post, so I will respond.

Downstairs, I have a large TV set with PIP (Picture-in-picture) so that I can sorta follow 2 programs at a time....then, I also have connected a VCR that I can tune to a 3rd program, and change one of the 2 programs I am monitoring. When important events are happening, I often monitor CNN, MSNBC...and Fox, because it is important to KNOW how various viewpoints are processing and interpreting the news. (Of course, I will also monitor C-Span live, and CBS at times)

It is VERY educational to follow breaking news and compare not only what is BEING said, but how well certain events are being covered at all. THIS is how I learned that Fox News is on an almost continuous cycle of mouthing denunciations of almost anything Democrats do, and why they employ 'news' people who say whatever the official conservative 'line' is today! I cannot conceive of ever being able to really comprehend world events from **FOX** versions of the data....but I **DO** tune in at odd times.

Yes...of course I prefer the viewpoint of 'other' news and analysis, (not because they are the Liberal equivalent of a Glen Beck's ranting or a Sean Hannity's distortion, or Michelle Malkin's total disregard for truth and accuracy), but because they give me information, and back up their analysis with facts....and they occasionally issue corrections when they miss something or accidentally get a fact wrong. Fox will continue to repeat the same PROVEN error for days or weeks, simply because it's really hard to explain that you flatly got it wrong ... even though it sounds SO good as a talking point!

Now Doug... I can't tell from one post whether you were just baiting me, or whether you really believe I get all my news in some filtered, one-sided bucket....but I have ALWAYS taken seriously the adage "Know Thine Enemy", and I try VERY hard to not criticize stuff I haven't read or studied.

Would you care to enlighten me as to how YOU learn, process and analyze the news about our country and world?

(and by the way...I even vote for decent Republicans depends on what they do and say)