The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128423   Message #2875033
Posted By: GUEST,Jan
29-Mar-10 - 05:09 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Sad February (Graeme Miles)
Subject: Lyr Req: Sad February
Can anyone help me with the lyrics for Sad February by Graeme Miles? I tried to transcribe them from listening to the Unthanks but I've still got a couple of gaps...

Cold February and all is not well
There's few will sleep easy this night
Down at the dockside, grim silent men standing
Under the pale yellow light
There's scarcely a murmer and laughter there's none
Of whispering there's barely a sound
For their thoughts are away, out there in the bay
Where it's said that the Lairdsfield is down

Bleak February a cruel bitter wind
Stirs up the black grimy fall (?)
Out there on the sea is no place to be
Far better by the fire ... ?
But not for the sailor the soft easy chair
He's out there ... ?
But tonight there are ten who'll work never again
Counted among the drowned dead

Dark February a few flakes of snow
Drift over our heads ... ?
By the break on the side on the ... ?
They wait for the first streaks of day
And over the sand-dunes and over the bar
See a few feet of ... ?
Hold fast in the sand with ... ?
Barely two miles from the shore

Sad February and all is not well
There's few will sleep easy this night
Down at the dockside, grim silent men standing
Under the pale yellow light
For down there at Teesmouth
The Lairdsfield is drowned
And ... ?
Ten men who'll not see the springtime again
Nor yet see the cold winter through