The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127728   Message #2875099
Posted By: Bobert
29-Mar-10 - 06:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: State Sovereignty Resolutions
Subject: RE: BS: State Sovereignty Resolutions
And once more...

In the 1830's -- yeah, that is 1-8-3-0s and not the 1930s --- the uS had these states sovereignty aguments led by John Calhoun... They called themselves "The Nullifier Party"... They were the Tea Partiers of their day... Like the Tea Partiers they thought that the states could just null and void anything that they, The Nullifier, didn't like... You know, like school intergration that would come 120 years later as a result of "Brown v. Topeka Board of Education"...

I mean, the country has had this argument... BTW, if hashed it out again during the Civil War...

Let's get real here... This "states sovereinty" bullshit is just rednecks wanting "their country back", which is code for all kinds of things that rednecks love, which includes segregation, federal income taxes, etc...

The problem with their thinking is that if we let states opt outta stuff because they can then where does thatr leave the US Constitution??? Were does that leave the United States of America???

Well, I'll tell ya' where... No where...