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Thread #128313   Message #2875136
Posted By: Bill D
29-Mar-10 - 07:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's Hypnotic Speech Techniques
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's Hypnotic Speech Techniques
Some seem to imply that whatever Obama 'does' is sneaky or cheating...or worse.
I remember many years ago watching a cocky young guitar player trying to follow what a friend of mine was doing on the was baffling him.
My friend said "What's wrong?"
The kid replied "That's HARD!"
So my friend picked up his own guitar and played the tune...with ease.... fingers barely moving on the frets. (Seems he had his guitar in open tuning)

The kid watched for a bit then blurted.. "You're CHEATING!" friend took the kid's guitar out of his hands and played the tune the hard way...with the fancy fingering!

After that, the kid watched and listened a lot, having realized he had a LOT to learn, and that talent was not necessarily cheating or a sneaky trick.

I wonder if those who make snide remarks about Obama 'using a teleprompter' or giving excellent speeches will ever realize that he is just an intelligent, practiced speaker who CAN speak quite well without a teleprompter, and who knows his subject matter.

(DO remember, good 'ol Ronnie Reagan began as an actor and had spent many years learning how to deliver his message. I don't remember anyone suggesting it was 'unfair'.)