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Thread #86416   Message #2875322
Posted By: Sawzaw
30-Mar-10 - 02:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: KatrinaGate
Subject: RE: BS: KatrinaGate...
Bobert response to someone who wouldn't answer his questions:

Apr 08 - 2008

"Well, then why won't you friggin' answer my questions with anything but BS questions??? What do you have to hide???"

"She absolutely refuses to answer straight up questions... She runs like "pigs from a gun" and then plays her little games by not answering the questions but rather ask a multitude of meaningless rhetorical questions of her own"

"All I can see is someone filled with hate who won't come clean"

Also this proves he can type perfectly when he wants to. It is just his little cute game to type like an idiot.

The toxins are in all those types of trailers, not just the ones bought under the Bush administration but Bobert wants it to look like Bush caused the toxins to be there.

Amos's feelings are hurt cause I found two big ass, dumb ass mistakes in his frantic postings and his supreme being status is now tarnished.

CC is pissed cause her beloved ACORN went down the tubes because of internal wrongdoing and mismanagement. Now she's got her claws out itchin' for a fight.

Bobert don't want to respond to McKinney's fairy tale because it might expose his Green Party as being a bunch of nuts.

I never said anybody was shot in the head. That was McKinney.

I am glad Poppagator has his head on straight and looking for the truth.

People should be looking for the truth, admitting their mistakes and quit this stupid ass he's all good or all bad tribal mentality.

The world is not going to get any better until people quit looking for scapegoats and demons to blame everything on.

Sure Bush screwed up, Brownie screwed up, Nagin screwed up, Blanco screwed up. Who did their job perfectly or even passably?

NO has plenty of corruption to go around. My Daughter was married there in the Garden District. She went to Loyola.

I know something about the place and I know it was an accident waiting to happen with crooked politics like any city. They played games with money for the levees.

If any improvements are to be made in the situation we would have to sort out all the screw ups and take steps to prevent them from happening again.

Right now it is a race to see which politician can make the most promises and send the most money to insure their re election. And where does the money go? Mostley down a rat hole.

Oh you poor people, so and so fucked you over so bad, I am going to fix it.

Yeah, The Big Easy.