The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128440   Message #2875753
Posted By: Little Hawk
30-Mar-10 - 01:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: The strangest idea in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: The strangest idea in the USA
It's a mentality, Jack, which is so self-absorbed (and downright selfish as a result) that it can't see past the end of its own nose. It doesn't get the fact that we are all interdependent on one another, like an extended family. It doesn't realize that we can't live decently without contributing to the general welfare of all the others around us in society. The attitude might be summed up by the statement, "It's all about ME!"

Unfortunately, that attitude has been encouraged by generations of John Wayne stereotypes in movies, books, and other media.

It isn't that these people want to hurt anyone else. It's just that they have become completely fixated on what's "mine" the exclusion of all else. And the marketing system has encouraged them in that respect. Marketing is all about conspicuous consumption for short-term pleasure, and the not too subtle message in all the marketing campaigns is that if you have a better car, a better house, and a more expensive pair of shoes than the guy next to won! And he lost.

That's a very stupid ethic to put into people's heads. Having more material stuff does NOT make you better than other people. If anything, it's likely to weaken your character (and your strength) over a period of time.