The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13144   Message #2875840
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
30-Mar-10 - 02:59 PM
Thread Name: Origin: Sally Gardens / Salley Gardens
Subject: RE: Origin: Sally Gardens
Wiktionary is hardly in the class of the OED.
Spellings go obsolete when few use them; putting a date to this is approximation.

(Ice box is an obsolete term for fridge but I still use it occasionally- or is fridge obsolete as well?)

Mimosa and wattle are both common names for various species of the Mimosaceae. Popular usage differs from area to area and person to person.

- Trees or shrubs, very rarely herbs; leaves mostly bipinnate, rarely simply pinnate; flowers bisexual, small, spicate, racemose or capitate, actinomorphic, 3-6-usually 5-merous; calyx tubular, valvate or very rarely (Parkineae imbricate, 5-lobed or toothed; petals valvate, free or connate into a short tube, mostly hypogynous; stamens equal in number to the sepals or more numerous or indefinite, free or monadelphous; anthers small, 2-locular, opening lengthwise, often with a deciduous gland at the apex; ovary superior; fruit a legume or indehiscent; seeds with scanty or no endosperm.
Mimosaceae differ from the other two families of the 'Leguminosae' by their actinomorphic (regular) flowers and valvate petals, the latter frequently connate into a lobed corolla.........

Now you know.