The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40592 Message #2876019
Posted By: Johnny Harper
30-Mar-10 - 06:44 PM
Thread Name: Origins: I Know You Rider
Subject: RE: Origins: I Know You Rider
I'm interested to see that I actually started this thread 9 years ago! (As a Guest; now have Member status.) The subject continues to interest me, and I'm finally ready to post about it again. I have an interesting entry ready to post, comparing the CHORD PROGRESSIONS of the many different versions that have been discussed here, and some more -- almost all of which I have heard (including the earliest recordings, Baez and Tossi Aaron), and almost all of which are slightly different from each other! BUT...
The one thing I don't know, Bob Coltman, is the chord progression YOU were playing when you first disseminated the song. Your contributions on this topic have been extremely valuable and a real pleasure to read. And of course we're all very much in your debt for having first put the song into circulation. But this one question remains: what was your original arrangement, your version of the chord progression? (And do you still play it that way now, or has your version changed with time?) Please let me/ us know this, and I'll then post my comparative analysis of the different ways the chords were played, by these various performers back in the '60s/ early '70s. Looking forward to hearing from you on this matter.