The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127728   Message #2876094
Posted By: Bobert
30-Mar-10 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: State Sovereignty Resolutions
Subject: RE: BS: State Sovereignty Resolutions
BTW, itchy... This entire idea of states being able to trump federal law has some very negative histroical connotations... I mean, even tho it goes back to the federalists debates of the very early 1800's and again by the Nullifier Party in the 1830's the most recent bout of it came in the 1950s with Brown v Topeka Board of Education and the 10 or so years following as Southern states fought to keep their schools segregated... I can't think of any other time since when there have been so many people, mostly -- you guessed it -- Southern and Midwestern are so eat up on states telling the federal government in essence to "Go fuck yourself 'cause we like to do things our own way"....

So yeah, itchy, ya' kinda have to rmember where you are... This a folk musician website and in case ya' hadn't noticed about folks music, ahhhhhh, most of the people playin' it ain't excatly spring chickens... Translation: We remember Selam and Little Rock and those are times we don't, as a nation, need to revisit yet...

... from looking at angry white Tea Party gatherings and the the number hate groups that have sprung up in the last year it is apparent to Helen Keller that there are one heck of alot of rednecks that would be very happy with segregation and a return to Jim Crow anf they are out to try to make it happen by pushing for "states rights" (code for racism)...
