The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128314   Message #2876142
Posted By: CarolC
30-Mar-10 - 10:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Republican response to Health Reform
Subject: RE: BS: Republican response to Health Reform
I've criticized them plenty, Sawzaw, and so have a lot of other people. If you haven't seen it, it's because you have ignored it just so you could make that specious accusation. I've even told you during the last couple of days some of the things I said to my representative.

And beyond what I already told you, I told my Democratic representative that if my husband were to die because of lack of access to health care if the bill didn't pass, I would hold him personally responsible and I would regard him as a murderer.

You really need to either pay attention, or leave off those kinds of incredibly dishonest accusations.