The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128440   Message #2876158
Posted By: Donuel
30-Mar-10 - 10:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: The strangest idea in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: The strangest idea in the USA
13 banks and their 13 CEO bankers are literally owned by only 11 wealthy families. The fiat and Fed system works well for them. The culture of all is fair in love, war and money works well for them. That people are willing to lie for a paycheck, look the other way and punish any nay sayers suits their purposes well.
Inflation however is an enemy to bankers and their owners. When borrowed money is paid back in money that is less valuable, they lose.

However now that the banks are bailed out and bigger and stronger than ever with more cash reserves and more property than they can account for, inflation is an acceptable trade off.

The banks pay for public relations that informs the television viewing public that the mischievous tom foolery that Wall Street toyed with is not the reason for finanical worries but rather it was people who borrowed more money than they should have for houses that were too extravagant for their income. New banker propoganda is now claiming that Wall Street did not betray your money or the trust of the world, but rather it was the goverment that betrayed capitalism.


This crime can be viewed as a 3 act play.
Act one - the set up and the theft
Act two - Hiding in plain sight while others fight
Act three - The great irony.

We are currently in Act 2 which is my favorite. It involves steering the anger of the common man away from the robbers and to direct their wrath at the goverment, no matter how violent or chaotic such a campaign will become, is crucial for the saftey of the 13 banks, the 13 bankers and 11 familes who own them. These families will do anything to avoid the personal blowback following the greatest deliberate financial theft in recorded history. Just like a desperate bank robber, but on a monumental scale, they will bribe, they will take hostages, they will make demands, they will create diversions, they will murder (by proxy).

Steering the outrage of reasonable people as well as the blind thrashing by the irrational angry victims of the God and guns crowd, is the chief concern of well to do bank robbers. Calling the goverment totalitarian, fascist or communist is only half of the diversion.

The savagery committed by men with such clean uncalloused hands is felt in ; every state capitol, every public classroom, in every small business, in every manufacturing plant, in every forclosure, in every lost job and in every man woman and child who do not have $400 million dollars to cushion their fall.

It reminds me of how the Pope is not concerned by the deaf children who were raped by clergy , but was only concerned of how the church may remain safe and secure and how to harbor the pedergasts safely away from controversy.

The final act of this evil financial play will involve the evil that is done after robbery in Act 1, after the diversions and fighting in the streets in act two. It is about the tragedy that tears apart every family and every nation while the robbers come out of hiding. It concludes with the irony that the victims of the great theft were unable to keep their eyes on the ball, to see who the real villains were, and end up blindly killing each other. In the end we see the victims serving the very people who destroyed their life.

Strange idea, don't you think?