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Thread #128314   Message #2876324
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
31-Mar-10 - 06:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Republican response to Health Reform
Subject: RE: BS: Republican response to Health Reform
""Because typical of your double standard, you say nothing while the Dems diddled around with their own infighting except to blame it on Republicans.

Then when they finally get their shit somewhat together after a year, with bribes, threats and arm twisting, the final bill they rammed through delays things even more an you claim that it is better than nothing. It could have been even better.

Can you say no one has died because of a lack of health care insurance since the Democrats have been hashing out a bill?

The Democrats have had a year, against a total stonewall job by republicans, and yes, a few (very few) Democrats, and they have finally managed to ram a largely castrated bill through.

I judge, from those facts, that the opposition is totally responsible for the time it has taken. That opposition did include a few Democrats, but it also included every Republican.

Eight years (and more) of deliberate inaction by Republican Government can only be attributed to Republicans.

So, all in all, the Democrats have been no more than minimally responsible for the deaths they have been seeking desperately to avoid.

The Repubs on the other hand, have sat back and said "FUCK 'EM! LET 'EM DIE, BECAUSE WE WON'T LEND A HELPING HAND IF IT COSTS US ONE RED CENT!

And they are still saying that now.

What the Democrats have achieved, though far from the ideal, is saving lives from day one. Lives that the Repubs have consistently written off as not worth saving. It amazes me that any Republican Senator or Congressman claims any kind of humanity or credibility.

Forty five thousand Americans died for lack of proper healthcare in each and every year of Republican government.

Don T.