The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120208   Message #2877253
Posted By: Bobert
01-Apr-10 - 07:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
Subject: RE: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
Now that's purdy funny, Sawz...

Actually, I know one leftie who spent many years on the FBI's Top 10... His name is John Sinclair... Met him breifly in '69 at a Detroit anti-war rally and then again about 6 or 7 years ago... Seems he did about 8 years and during this time emersed himself inthe history of the blues and has become quite a blues historian and also has a radio show on the blues in Lousinana, if I am no mistaken... Might be southern Mississippi...

But really, wouldn't it make more sense that a leftie would make the government's Top Ten???

I mean, that is one point I have made over and over... When the right wing carried guns around with threathening signs at demostartions they get a "hoo-hum" from the cops... Let a leftie do the same and he will be either arrested or gunned down... We have a dual standard going here big-time...

BTW, the rightie gun nuts in Virginia have taken to gathering in their little gun nut circles, strappin on their heat and walking into family resturants in mass... I'd like to think it was like the black folks who did the same in in the 50's in sitting at lunvh counters but it's quite the opposite... Of course, to the rightie, they equate their right to turn a family restuarnt in to their little bullt pen and scare the hell outta old ladies and kids becasue they think it's their right as the same as black folks trying to get the right to just eat in a segregated resturant...

Oh, how couargous these guns nuts are, right???

Wrong... They are just a buunch of rude punks who couldn't win a fist fight with their sisters...
