The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128487   Message #2877312
Posted By: Arnie
01-Apr-10 - 08:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rat in the garden what am I gonna do?
Subject: BS: Rat in mi garden what am I gonna do?
Better than a rat in mi kitchen I suppose (apologies to UB40). On two days running this week I've seen a large rat walk down the side of my hedge, jump through a picket fence and disappear between my garage and my neighbour's garage where there is a gap of about 2 feet. Anyway, I read that rats breed at an amazing rate if left to their own devices, so yesterday I called out the council rat man - or vermin exterminator as he's called these days. He poked his head over the fence, surveyed the gap between the garages, and pronounced that there was no sign of a rat nest so he wouldn't bother putting down any trap or bait. If I see the rat again, then he'll come and have another look - and it'll cost me £39.50 for the privilege. No sign of Ratty this morning so I'm hoping he's gone on his way. However, does anyone have any expertise in this area as I'd like to know the answer to this: if a rat is seen twice on successive days, is that a sign that it has moved into the area? And if so is it likely to move on again and bother someone else? I should add that there is no waste food or bin sacks left outside as I store them in my garage - and to date they show no sign of rat attack. No doubt to our US friends, a rat is pretty mundane fare but they carry various diseases and could attack one of my too-curious cats. Also I've certainly never had one in my garden before - at least not that I know of!