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Thread #128314   Message #2877364
Posted By: CarolC
01-Apr-10 - 10:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Republican response to Health Reform
Subject: RE: BS: Republican response to Health Reform
CC: Was that before or after I brought it up?

I don't understand the question.

CC Mar 25 "the Democrats" could look pretty good in the fall.

That's pretty pathetic if you think you can use it to support your contention that I have been criticizing Republicans. This is the full context of what I said...

the trend has been that the more people learn about the new law and the benefits it offers for them personally, the more they like it. If the trend continues as it has been going, the Democrats could look pretty good in the fall.

Since only Democratic votes and efforts got us this new law, Democrats are the only ones who will get credit for it if people like it. That's just a fact. I know some Republicans are now trying to take credit for the new law, but that just goes to show that they know this law is going to help Democrats in the fall.