The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110019   Message #2877379
Posted By: bubblyrat
01-Apr-10 - 10:40 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Pinch and a punch
Subject: RE: Folklore: Pinch and a punch
Same here at 62 !! We always dreaded the 1st of the month at Easebourne Primary School,near Midhurst,Sussex,as we little ones got hammered by the older boys,and it was often "dead legs" as well as pinches & punches----until we got older & bigger!
We always said "White Rabbits" on the first of every month,before noon of course,and saluted LONE magpies,and said "Good morning,General !". And wouldn't DREAM of walking under a ladder without crossing our fingers, or catching sight of a new moon without bowing to it,and turning over the money in our pockets three times !My Granny was most particular about that last one.
          And,when I was in the Royal Navy ; well, they would sooner surrender to the French & commit mass suicide than leave harbour on Friday the Thirteenth !
          Then there's "The Scottish Play", of course --( I used to work in a theatre !).
       Roger Mills