The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128487 Message #2877998
Posted By: MikeL2
02-Apr-10 - 08:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rat in the garden what am I gonna do?
Subject: RE: BS: Rat in the garden what am I gonna do?
Subject: RE: BS: Rat in the garden what am I gonna do? From: Little Hawk - PM Date: 01 Apr 10 - 01:10 PM
< "Horrifying! I am actually witnessing a large number of people here openly conspiring to commit murder upon a harmless little animal in various hideous ways. How would you feel if someone was plotting to do this to you or to your beloved cats? Hmm?" >
hi LH
I include below a paragraph from the "rat Dept" of our Local Council.
In medieval times the black ship rat bought fleas carrying bubonic plague to England. But 200 years on we now have the brown or sewer rat.
They do not carry the plague but spread Leptospirosis, Salmonella food poisoning, Typhus, Trichinosis and Tapeworms.""
This doesn't sound like harmless to me !!
In medieval times the black ship rat bought fleas carrying bubonic plague to England. But 200 years on we now have the brown or sewer rat.
They do not carry the plague but can spread Leptospirosis, Salmonella food poisoning, Typhus, Trichinosis and Tapeworms.