The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128487 Message #2878075
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
02-Apr-10 - 10:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rat in the garden what am I gonna do?
Subject: RE: BS: Rat in the garden what am I gonna do?
What's very seldom mentioned, in discussions like this, is that plagues of vermin, disease etc. tend to occur because we humans have f***ed up the ecological balance. I was browsing in my local bookshop the other day and came across a book about '6 modern plagues' (unfortunately I didn't note the title or the author). A quick skim of this book suggested that many diseases, like AIDS, Lyme Disease, West Nile Disease etc. are related to ecological imbalances. If we disrupt ecosystems, in the way that we habitually do, certain organisms go extinct, whilst others (like rats) breed uncontrollably and ultimately cause us problems.
Still (he said into a deafening silence), we all know that the environment is invisible and irrelevant, isn't it? Only human aspirations and ambitions mean anything. Silly me for even mentioning it!