The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24896   Message #287844
Posted By: Catrin
30-Aug-00 - 11:31 AM
Thread Name: Matty Groves - who's the 'baddy'?
Subject: Matty Groves - who's the 'baddy'?
I was about to nominate Matty Groves as a candidate for my favourite 'badman' song in that thread. However, I realised that it is difficult to pinpoint who IS the baddy in this one. Is it:-

a) Matty Groves - for sleeping with a married woman?
b) Lord Donald's wife for comitting adultary?
c) The little page for telling on them?
d) Lord Donald for murdering them both?
e) All of the above

I have had many interesting discussions with friends about this and opinions seem to differ depending on moral beliefs, historical knowledge and personal taste (to name but a few).

I know there are about a million different versions to this song but the story always seems to be the same - or is it?

I would love to hear mudcatters views on this.
