The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128242   Message #2878515
Posted By: catspaw49
02-Apr-10 - 10:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Seeger Smothers Party- Left=right?
Subject: RE: BS: Seeger Smothers Party- Left=right?
Frogprince said:"If you don't have an underlying political agenda of your own, your thinking is simply muddled beyond belief. If you are trying to push a personal agenda covertly, you are unbelievably thick headed if you don't realize how transparent you are."

This is exactly what Conrad does and why I gave up on serious discussion with him years ago. He has done some good research on Orange tradition songs and it was obvious that it was also his conviction.......but he did the same thing there he is doing now. He seems to believe that smoke, mirrors, and misdirection, will somehow work for him but the reality of his position is obvious. I personally care less for a person's position, even if I completely disagree, than I do about his truthfulness in standing up for that position. Be honest about what you believe and I can handle it. Deny what you believe while trying to defend it as if you don't......yeah, that's an asshole.....and a coward.

Does the shoe fit Conrad?
