The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128313   Message #2878655
Posted By: Bobert
03-Apr-10 - 07:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's Hypnotic Speech Techniques
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's Hypnotic Speech Techniques
No, the point is that the US has a nasty little history beginning in 1619... Sure, it's fine to argue, "Gee, can't we all get along" and, yeah, we can... The reality is that were aren't... The reality is that there are one heck of alot of rednecks in our country who have had fears and hatreds passed down from generation to generations about black folk... Oh sure, lott of these people say stuff like, "Well, I live in the South and I've lived with black people so we doon't have those problems down here"... That's is 100% mythology... That story line has been repeated so often in the South that kids can recite it before they reach the age of two... It's required... Then these same kids are making nooses and hanging them outside black kids locker by the time they are in junior high school???

Now for the self-proclaimed "classless and free" here who think that "can't we all just get along" is all they have to know and think, it isn't all we need to know and think...

If I run my car into my neighbors car then it is my resonisibilty ti fix it, right??? Well, white people held black people as slaves for 250 years and then Terrorized them with JHim Crow for another 100 years... And when we look around at the infastructure of America it was idsporprtionately build on the backs of black people... And they thanks these folk have gotten is to be stuffed into urban ghettoes (housing projects) with little opportunity to live a life where they "can just get along"... And then white folk blame these folks for their situation and fell all smug and superior and th
us thiings like the Tea Party and and other hate groups springing up when a black man becomes, ahhhhhh, president???

So yeah, there is a major difference between the races that isn't about DNA.... IT's about white people's superior attitudes and white people's lack of historical perspcetive anf white people greed... No, I'm not talking about all white people but I am talking about alot of them who don't see or recognize their own racists feelings until a black man become president... That's where "can't we all just get along" ends in their book...
