The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102943 Message #2878877
Posted By: Rog Peek
03-Apr-10 - 02:55 PM
Thread Name: Songs for/about Phil Ochs
Subject: Lyr Add: MARCHING IN YOUR FOOTSTEPS (Brian Griffin
I am Marching in your footsteps Going down the path you blazed Heading, towards the end of the journey Trying not to stray and lose my way
First heard about you from the Clash They sang a verse from one of your songs Gave you the credit that you were due Planted a seed in me that grew
And I am here I'm marching Marching in your footsteps Up on the Oval singing your songs Your words are still full of power And they ring true and strong
Then I read about you in the Lantern Tenth anniversary of your death Article said you couldn't go on And you couldn't take another breath
Well here I am I'm marching Marching in your footsteps Going down the path you blazed Heading-towards the end of the journey Trying not to stray and lose my way
I read all the books I could about you Watched all the videos and listened to your songs It always breaks my heart when I get to the part When you felt that you could not go on Now many years have passed since that day That you are no longer with us But your word rings on and it's growing In all the people that you touched
And we are here we're marching Marching in your footsteps Taking your words to the streets The world is still worth saving And we're telling everyone that we meet
Marching Marching in your footsteps We're on the Oval singing your songs Your words are still full of power And they're ringing true and strong Phil, You are never truly gone
I am marching in your footsteps
Notes: Written by Columbus singer/songwriter Brian Griffin. Recorded live at the OSU South Oval during the Ohio Hempfest 2009. To my knowledge, it has not yet been released on a CD.