The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128313   Message #2879071
Posted By: Bobert
03-Apr-10 - 07:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's Hypnotic Speech Techniques
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's Hypnotic Speech Techniques
This ain't got one thing about ego, Salwz... It's about a life's worth of living and watching what is going on... That is ego-less... The ego folks don't take time, for instance, to work at a inpatient drug treatement half-way house for subsistent wages for 4 years... 'Er teachin' GED in the Richmond City Jail...'Er working for lousy pay as a social worker for another 15 years or so... No, you got the ego part all wrong, Slawz... I'm just a guy who has had the aboslute priveldge of having alot of differing life's experiences... That ain't ego... That is a blessing... I woldn't trade any of them...

BTW, me thinks that you spend way too much time obsessing on me... You have followed me from one website to another and kinda see yerself as "Palidan" 'er one of those white hat cowboys that tracks down the bad guy... Problem is that I ain't the bad guy... I don't obsess about people and spend countless fours of my life very week trying to disect every word ao someone here in cyberworld and attack, attack, attack... I'm not at all sure whay you do this... That is something better left for you to discuss with a therapist or psychiatrist, I donno... Just a suggestion... Your obsession is unhealthy...

Yeah, JtS... Ya' know what I am getting purdy sick and tired of hearing is folks on the Democratic siad saying stuuf like, "We gotta tone it down on both sides of the isle"... The violent tone ain't coming from their side of the isle tho they are, I guess, trying to show grace here but, geeeze louise... The noise is coming purdy much 100% from the Repubs and their phony Tea Party minions... That is the side that nees to tone it down... If they want to debate, fine... Let's debate... But don't go strappin' on heat for no debate... That ain't a debate... That is terrorism... So, Jack, I'd love to see the Dems grow a spine and quit fessin' up to stuff that they ain't doin'... And I'd love for the media to quit propagating' the same Big Lie...
