The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128487   Message #2879096
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
03-Apr-10 - 08:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rat in the garden what am I gonna do?
Subject: RE: BS: Rat in the garden what am I gonna do?
I answered your carpenter ant question, George. The same site has information about rats, also, but more scattered around.

I have two dogs who love to catch rats. They're in the 45 to 55 pound range and are tenacious hunters. A pit bull (American Staffordshire Terrier) and a catahoula/blue heeler mix. We live on a creek and they've got a taste for hunting. Squirrels, possums, and yes, they both got skunked a couple of years ago. The pit killed the skunk, which tells you how persistent she is when she's hunting. Usually getting the spray is enough to chase off most dog breeds. They get snakes, mice, and have caught the occasional pigeon. And rats. They leave the toads alone, because the toads taste bad (intentionally).

We used to have an owl that would hunt in the back, and it still might, but the pit bull sees it and barks at it till it leaves, even if it is up on the tall ham radio antenna next door. She doesn't want the competition, though the owl at least eats what it catches.