The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128242   Message #2880621
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
06-Apr-10 - 08:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Seeger Smothers Party- Left=right?
Subject: RE: BS: Seeger Smothers Party- Left=right?
You my friend are a spin doctor.

You are trying to censor folk music.

You are putting restraints on the free speech that is entitled to Pete Seeger, the Smothers Brothers and others BY FORCING THEM TO FASHION THEIR MESSAGE TO YOUR STANDARD. You completely igonre the fact that THEY were the ones who were marginalized and THEY were the opposing view that was given a forum. Now, you say that they should "share" that forum - when the opposing view already had forums of their own.

No one, other than yourself, has said that artists of any stripe should not have a stage.   YOU refuse to acknowledge that there is a difference between being given a chance to share a message and having to tolerate the message. Just as you seem to have tuned out to the message of the left, many of us have expressed an intolerance to HATE and VIOLENCE. This has not been a discussion of health care reform or immigration laws where opposing viewpoints are shared. We have been discussing FACISIM.

NO ONE, other than yourself, has made a claim that folk songs is anything but art. YOU are the one who refuses to accept that art and politics are allowed to mix.

You have expressed a twisted sense of "equality" where you are expecting people to accept facism and hatred as something that should be tolerated. Sorry, but the rest of the world will continue to fight these crimes against humanity while you fool yourself into thinking you are learning something from it.

You keep spinning the message we have been trying to share with you - we are not the ones who are intolerant. We are the ones who are imploring the sharing the wealth of cultural diversity.

Sorry Conrad, but if there is a "cultural imperialist" in this discussion it has been you.   No matter how you try to twist this around, it is obvious to the reader that you are making statements that are simply not true and twisting the truth to fit your own designs.   

You are exhibiting a high degree of intolerance in each message you post.