The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128242   Message #2880776
Posted By: frogprince
06-Apr-10 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Seeger Smothers Party- Left=right?
Subject: RE: BS: Seeger Smothers Party- Left=right?
Same song, 413th verse, could be better, but it's gonna get worse.

The whole thread, in a nutshell; some people don't care to sing songs favorable to racism and warmongering, and they feel no need to extend invitations to racists and warmongers to appear with them on stage; Conrad believes that these people have a deathlock on folk music, and that their behaviour constitutes censorship and "cultural imperialism". On the other side, singing racist material or any other "hate music" is fine art, of no political significance, and should be encouraged for the sake of diversity.

Why is my head spinning?