The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128641   Message #2882134
Posted By: theleveller
08-Apr-10 - 11:04 AM
Thread Name: Myth or history
Subject: RE: Myth or history
It's certainly the myths that often make the better story or song than the history. But if there's a combination of the two – you've got a winner.

In the church at Flamborough, on the East Yorkshire coast, is the tomb of Sir Marmaduke Constable, who died in 1530. He was called 'Little' Sir Marmaduke but despite being of small stature, was a distinguished soldier, fighting for Edward lV in France, at the Battle of Bosworth with Richard lll, at the Siege of Berwick and, at the amazing age (for that time) of 70, he commanded the left flank of the English army at Flodden, engaging in hand-to-hand combat throughout and personally despatching many opponents. But the strangest thing is that he is reputed to have died after swallowing a live toad – which ate his heart. In fact, on his tomb is a representation of the upper part of a skeleton, the rib cage being still visible, revealing a bulbous heart and a curious lump of stone said to be the representation of a toad.

Now I hadn't come across this amazing man before (although his family are still prominent East Yorkshire landowners) and thought there had to be a song in there – so I wrote one, based on the epitaph on his tomb. Anyone who happens to come to Kirkby Fleetham Folk Club on 24th April can hear the first public performance as we (Whipstaff) are supporting Steve Tilston.

Hey - history, myth, a story, a song, AND a commercial all in one post – how about that? ;-)