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Thread #128619   Message #2882222
Posted By: akenaton
08-Apr-10 - 01:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
Subject: RE: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
"Just asking Akenaton...
What the fuck does "liberalism" have to do with any of this?"

Well Tia,Its called irony. Our respective governments would have us believe that we are in Afghanistan to fight terrorism and promote our brand of "liberal democracy", but as you can see from the video, we "liberals" are just as adept at practicing terrorism as the "towel heads".

BTW...I dont think the US forces are any worse than other nationalities, the problem is modern warfare.
It's conducted at a distance we dont get our hands bloody anymore, there is no longer the chance that the natives get lucky and spear a couple of our guys

Modern "sanitised" warfare is a definate step down the ladder of human behaviour.   What we saw on video was bad enough, but the unmaned drones which target houses and groups of people with very little idea of who those people are, or if there are women and children in the buildings, are ten times worse.

Isn't it disgusting what we allow to take place in our name, then salve our consciences with talk of tolerance and equality and human rights......Oh doesn't it feel GOOD to be a "liberal"!